Breaking News! Ken Starts Blogging!

In a world’s first, Ken today commenced blogging in an effort to raise the bar of the blogosphere.

“Well, you’ve gotta start somewhere,” he said.

So far, this has not been picked up by any other blogs, media, in fact, anyone…

9 Responses to “Breaking News! Ken Starts Blogging!”

  1. John Catley Says:

    G’day Ken.

    Excellent to see another blog born.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Dodgy Geezer Says:

    In following news – Ken gets a reader!

    You saw it here first…

  3. Charlie Says:


    *a small cheer can be heard from Western Australia..

  4. Al Says:

    Hi Ken

    Good effort on the GISS ‘adjustment’ in Mackay.
    Maybe you could advise on how to check out Innisfail?

    • kenskingdom Says:

      Gday Al

      I will be checking Innisfail when I try to work out how GISS did the same thing (increase the warming) at Cairns.
      Download data from BOM climate data (max & min) put into Excel and average it. On same timescale, get data from GISS station data page. I had to enter it manually until I find a better way. Then plot both on the same chart.

      Good luck!

  5. Dr Iain McQueen Says:

    Ken ,thanks very much for sharing your meticulous work. I enjoyed it and it was clear and informative. I love the gentle irony concerning these crafty ‘non adjustments’
    Aren’t these goons at GISS just the limit.
    I have just been reading at how the UK Met Office plans to revise and centralize the land surface records.
    There is a bit of cynicism about their true independence, though I believe ther may be some improvement in scrutablity and accessibility. It is unclear how raw the data will be.
    Keep up your own examination of the data!

  6. bruce Says:

    Keep up then good work Ken. Some one has to make them accountable, for all the money this so called “grobal warming” is costing the country. If it’s proven, that the data used to get the ball rolling was falsifed, maybe the government will have a class action on their hands – from the Australian public.

  7. ken dickman Says:

    Google,” watts up with that ” ( NIWA ) NZ’s National Institute of Water & Atmosphere’s Temperature Train Wreck .

    Thank you Ken , but we are several steps behind our NZ Counterparts it would seem , although , while they have had an ETS ( Emission Trading Scheme ) illegally forced upon them just prior to ” Copenhagen ” , we in Australia , escaped the same fate ” so far ” by one Tony Abbot vote .

    Niwa’s survivers have now requested our BOM to Peer Review their DATA ,
    is this a typical case of the blind calling on the blind to lead them
    around “said” train wreck ?.

    While your there Googleing , try my web site : Kenneth Dickman “The Real Climate Science” & see how another esteemed Gov Utility, the ( CSIRO ) have been misleading the Australian public on Solar Physics ” it’self “.

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