The Wacky World of Weather Stations: No. 5- Meningie (SA)

Please refer back to my first post for site specifications.

Station:  Meningie 24518

Opened: 1864

Daily Temperature data from: 1966

Data used to adjust Acorn sites at:  Cape Borda, Robe, Mount Gambier

Location:   Co-ordinates  -35.6902  139.3375

Meningie map

About 130km south-east of Adelaide.

2019 satellite image:

Meningie 24518 aerial

The screen is the white dot in the red ellipse.

2017 BOM Site Map:

Meningie plan

Street view:

Meningie 24518 street

The screen is in the backyard of the Post Office.  It is about 6-7 metres from a large concrete carpark to the east and less than 10 metres from concrete to the west, about 3 metres from a skip, close to  sheds, with other buildings around and a very large tree to the south.

This site is not compliant, so temperatures recorded here are not reliable.  Meningie’s temperatures are published at the BOM Latest Weather Observations page, and also used by the BOM in weather reports, potentially including extremes of heat or cold. As well, Meningie is one of the sites used to adjust temperatures at ACORN-SAT sites at Cape Borda, Robe, and Mount Gambier. Acorn sites are used for climate analysis- whether winters are getting warmer and summers hotter for example.  So the lack of quality at any site DOES MATTER!

Another FAIL.


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6 Responses to “The Wacky World of Weather Stations: No. 5- Meningie (SA)”

  1. Rob Collins Says:

    How close is the road? 12m? Assume it is black bitumen.

  2. Bill in Oz Says:

    Yes both roads are bitumen sealed roads.

    It’s curious this is possibly the most compliant of the five you have posted about Ken.

    NOT compliant ( = fail ) but more complaint than the others maybe ?

  3. johnnicol Says:

    Hot bitumen near any site will lead to heated air blowing past the gauge at some degrees higher than would be the case for grass or even soil. The black bitumen may also cool faster at night so it may be instructive to just see if the diurnal temperature range is affected and perhaps larger than usual.
    John Nicol

    • Bill in Oz Says:

      John the bitumen roads absorb more radiant heat during the day. And at night that extra heat is re-radiated out into the air. This process means that the air around sealed roads stays warmer at night than otherwise.

      And thus the minimum & maximum temperatures recorded are higher than otherwise.

      But increasing the minimum & maximum temperatures is precisely what ‘Global Warming” supposedly does..

      Ummmm ?

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